The best tricks for Instagram


Opening an account on Instagram, covering the bio, and starting to upload content does not have much science. The difficult thing is to ensure that these publications reach many people, that they like and interact with you and gradually add followers.

To help you in that task, here are a series of Instagram tricks for your account to grow quickly, while offering a professional appearance.

Interact before and after posts. This rule is unwritten, but actually, it works. Before uploading an image or video, try to spend two or three minutes interacting with other users on the network through likes and comments, and repeat the operation after uploading your content.

Programs that select the best times and suggest hashtags. You can analyze your followers and establish in what hours they should be more active taking into account from which country they connect to the internet or let a program do it for you. They are free, with a trial version, and paid. Some of these programs also offer hashtag proposals, indicating how many publications there are so far with those tags, to assess whether it is a highly competitive tag or whether it is easy to rank among the prominent publications. By using hashtags, you will be able to have more followers.

Applications to follow people who use a certain hashtag (can be reversible). one type of application for Instagram allows you to automatically follow those who share one or more hashtags of your choice. There are even programs that allow you to do an automatic unfollow after the indicated time (48 hours or a week, generally).

Why unfollow?

 Because one of the things that are looked at to estimate the engagement of an Instagram user is the proportion of followers and followed. It is convenient for you that the first ones outnumber the second ones by far, or your account will be suspected of doing sub4sub, which causes great mistrust in potential sponsors and when it comes to monetizing your publications in general.

Buy views for IGTV. IGTV format will gain more and more weight in the social network and it may be the case that, in In the future, more content in video format will be shared in it than in static images. The way to start being visible with your videos on Instagram is to buy views for your first content in this format, but do it wisely.

Grids or collages

 Collages give an Instagram profile a neat look and better capture attention on something that we want to highlight. Try them and you will see.

Follow the same style in colors, filters ... This, more than a trick for Instagram, is a tip if you want your Instagram profile to look professional. Try to almost always use a couple of filters or none, although you can be unfaithful from time to time. In the same way, if your personal brand or company has representative colors, use them and abuse them, so that your wall is, in essence, your corporate color.

Tag other users without spamming. Well done, it can't be considered malpractice. Tag your friends in that photo together, and once you have a respectable number of followers, mention the brand of whatever it is you're showing, even if they haven't sponsored you. Make yourself known.

Buy Instagram followers Australia if you need them. It has been proven that the alarms do not jump or increase the number of new daily followers by 1000, although we advise you to go little by little and in a staggered way: as long as you are not very popular on Instagram you can buy a few real followers, residents of the countries where your target audience is, and if possible, segmenting by themes. And when you already have a certain relevance, it will be time to ask yourself if you need a good final push or not.

Create a network Get the followers of one site to visit the other as well, and if possible to subscribe. Advertise your Instagram on other social networks and on your blog or video channel, so that your followers see things that you do not have in them, and do the reverse operation, inviting them to obtain more information about your publication on Instagram by visiting your blog, your channel, or your IGTV video.

Join us for more social media services for your Instagram account at cheap prices, as Social Captain is offering you the best marketing services. So, don’t forget to visit and check out their packages for followers and likes.


Co-branding, if chosen carefully, is very profitable. Think carefully about who you want to ally with and ask before, establishing all the conditions in writing, because you will both advertise each other. Remember not to spoil your personal brand image by a poor choice in co-branding.


And so far this compendium of tips and the best tricks for Instagram for various purposes: reach more people, be more influential, get new sponsors or show a more professional profile.





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